MetaMask NFT Guide: How to View, Send and Receive NFTs

A guide to buying, storing, and handling NFTs with MetaMask

Asotie-Enaholo Onose


MetaMask Logo | External Image

The mobile MetaMask wallet provides a way for NFT novices and enthusiasts to receive, store, and send NFTs from their mobile phones. Once set up, the wallet connects you with marketplaces where you can purchase and store digital collectibles directly in your wallet. This guide shows you how to set up your wallet and get started with purchasing NFTs.

MetaMask is the de-facto crypto wallet for Ethereum and EVM-compatible networks and, as such, is the first choice for investors who wish to store their digital assets on external wallets (i.e. not exchange wallets). However, NFT capabilities are only available on the mobile platform; web-based compatibility is not yet supported.

This guide focuses on the mobile wallet, so you can follow along with your mobile phone.

MetaMask Wallet | Image by Author

What you Need to Begin

To begin, you’ll need:

  • A mobile phone (Android/IOS)
  • A steady internet connection
  • A MetaMask wallet (we’ll show you how to download)
  • Some cryptocurrency to fund your wallet

Ethereum gas fees are currently quite high, making the cost of purchasing NFTs expensive (especially if you make a mistake). Luckily, MetaMask is compatible with several other smart contract blockchains that use the Ethereum Virtual Machine, like Avalanche and the Binance Smart Chain.

Alternatively, if you’d like to remain on Ethereum, use a scaling solution like Polygon that is built on the Ethereum network. Polygon has a growing NFT ecosystem and cheap gas fees.

How to Set Up a MetaMask Mobile Wallet

Step 1: Navigate to the MetaMask website/download from the Play Store

On the MetaMask website, you’ll find a download button that loads three versions of the MetaMask app: Chrome, IOS, and Android. Chrome is the browser extension while Android and IOS are the mobile wallets (which is what you want).

MetaMask Website | Image by Author

Alternatively, you can download directly from the App or Play Store (this guide uses the Play Store), however, ensure that the software is from the right publisher i.e. ConsenSys.

MetaMask on the Play Store | Image by Author

Step 2: Create a new wallet

Launch the app and either create a new wallet or import an existing one using a secret recovery phrase (also called a seed phrase).

You can also sync the mobile wallet with the browser extension to access funds on the extension without creating a new wallet on your phone. You’ll also be able to utilize the mobile MetaMask wallet to purchase NFTs using the same set of funds.

MetaMask Wallet Welcome Page | Image by Author

For this guide, we’ll create a new wallet.

Accept the terms of service before creating a new password; a string of alphanumeric characters. You can use the password strength meter to measure your password’s strength on a scale of weak to strong.

Create a strong password. Strong passwords can be easy to forget, so write them down and keep them somewhere safe.

After creating a password, you’ll be given a Secret Recovery Phrase. Write this phrase on a piece of paper and store it offline in a safe place. It is inadvisable to store it digitally or on any cloud storage service. You may also want to store it in multiple locations to increase redundancy.

The MetaMask application will test that you’ve written down the seed phrase by requiring you to input it in the correct order. Once done, your newly created Ethereum wallet should load; see the image below.

MetaMask Wallet | Image by Author

Swipe sideways to view the NFT section of your MetaMask wallet.

How to Receive NFTs in your MetaMask Wallet

There are two ways to receive NFTs in MetaMask: you either send from another wallet or purchase from a marketplace. Because of Ethereum’s high fees, we won’t use the Ethereum main net for this guide. Instead, we’ll purchase an NFT on using the Polygon network.

Buying NFTs from OpenSea on Polygon is the same as on Ethereum but with cheaper fees. However, be consistent with the network you use. If you purchase an NFT on the Polygon network, you’ll need to consistently use the Polygon network to send and receive that particular NFT.

Purchase an NFT from a Marketplace

Step 1: Fund your account

First, you’ll need to fund your account by sending ETH from another wallet or a centralized exchange to your MetaMask ETH address. Tap the receive icon to view your Ethereum receive address, or scan the QR code using the app of the wallet you wish to send from.

Funding MetaMask Wallet | Image by Author

To use the Polygon network, you’ll need to configure Polygon on MetaMask as a custom RPC network; this can be done in the wallet settings. However, this is outside the scope of this guide.

We configured the Polygon network and funded our wallet with some MATIC which we then converted to ETH. See the image below.

MetaMask Wallet Funds | Image by Author

Step 2: Navigate to OpenSea

Next, navigate to OpenSea or your preferred NFT marketplace. Ensure that the marketplace you’re browsing is supported on your network; OpenSea works on Ethereum and Polygon, so we’re good to go.

Tap on the hamburger icon at the top left corner of the app and select ‘Browser’. You’ll be taken to a page that looks like the image below where you can choose from a selection of dapps and marketplaces.

MetaMask Wallet Navigation Page | Image by Author

Select ‘Art & Collectibles’ and navigate to OpenSea.

Once there, tap the hamburger navigation bar at the top right corner to connect your wallet. A video example is provided below.

If your wallet doesn’t connect, it means you’re on an unsupported network; which could happen if you have several custom networks configured. In that case, switch your wallet to the network supported by the marketplace.

Step 3: Purchase an NFT

NFTs on marketplaces either have a fixed purchase price, an auction period, or a hybrid auction + ‘Buy now’ option that allows buyers to either bid or buy at a set price.

One-of-ones are usually auctioned, while large NFT collections could have either a fixed price or a hybrid auction + buy now option.

When you find an NFT you like, tap on it and swipe down to find out what purchase options are available. For this guide, we purchased a collectible at a fixed price.

Navigating OpenSea on MetaMask Wallet | Image by Author

Click ‘Buy Now’ and sign the transaction. A successful transaction should give an output similar to the image below.

Purchasing an NFT on OpenSea | Image by Author

After purchase, head back to the wallet to view your NFT.

Receive NFTs from Another Wallet

NFTs on OpenSea are ERC-721 tokens that are bound to metadata. This metadata could be pictures, videos, domain names, trading cards, virtual worlds, and even financial instruments.

In the case of jpegs, the picture (metadata) is stored somewhere else while the contract (the NFT) remains on the blockchain, hence, NFTs, like regular ERC-20 tokens, can be sent to public wallet addresses.

Ensure you’re sending to the right address on the right network. The NFT we just purchased must be sent over the Polygon network. If it’s sent to another network, the NFT could be lost.

How to View NFTs in the MetaMask Wallet

To view NFTs, swipe right to the NFT section of the wallet.

MetaMask doesn’t always display NFTs in your wallet automatically after purchase. In some cases, you’ll have to import the ERC-721 token contract address into your MetaMask NFT wallet to view your collectible.

Step 1: Click on Import NFT

Click on ‘Import NFT’ in the NFT section of your wallet and provide the contract address and token ID of the NFT you purchased; which can be found in its details section on OpenSea.

You can also find the contract address on Etherscan.

Adding NFTs in MetaMask Wallet | Image by Author

You may need to refresh several times before MetaMask loads your NFT.

Viewing NFTs in MetaMask Wallet | Image by Author


This tutorial covered the basics of purchasing, receiving, sending, and viewing collectibles in your MetaMask NFT wallet. Unlocking the full potential of MetaMask involves adding custom networks, utilizing bridges, and swapping assets on different protocols; which we could cover some other time.

In summary,

  • For now, the MetaMask NFT wallet is only available on mobile devices.
  • Keep your seed phrase safe. Write it in multiple places.
  • MetaMask works with all EVM-compatible blockchains/networks i.e. Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain.
  • MetaMask does not currently work with non-EVM blockchains i.e. Solana, Polkadot, MoonRiver, Kusama, etc.
  • You can sync your MetaMask extension with your mobile wallet to utilize the same set of funds on your mobile device and your computer.
  • When purchasing, sending and receiving NFTs, be consistent with your network.

As NFTs populate the Cryptoverse, you must know how to interact with them on crypto’s most popular wallet (MetaMask).

If you found this guide useful, drop a line in the comments. I’d also love to know what you’d like to know/learn about NFTs.



I write about Cryptocurrency and the decentralized internet, Personal Development, and Personal Finance. Reach out, let’s talk.